Subscribing to the AMC Boston Sea Kayaking Leaders' List

We've created a single general leaders' mailing list. For now, we're going to try it this way rather than having separate announcement and discussion lists -- as we did last year.

You may post to this list by sending an email message to

We'll use this list to provide information related to training classes, schedule changes, and other matters of interest to sea kayak leaders. We also encourage AMC Boston Sea Kayak leaders to use the list to participate in ongoing discussions about sea kayaking both in general and in the Boston area -- as well as club-specific matters such as "Need a Co-Leader". The seakayak-leaders list is a closed list so only subscribers can post and only from their subscribed addresses. This means that alumni forwarding addresses don't work. This is also problematic with some ISP's from which mail appears to come from an address other than the subscriber's actual address. If you have a problem, email me and I'll try to find a workaround.

To subscribe a new address to the sea kayak leaders list, send a message to:


subscribe seakayak-leaders

in the message body (not the subject line)

Any questions, contact the webmaster at (For email address changes, also please send a regular email to myself and Rosemary Mattuck so we can be sure the change is also reflected in the sea kayaking roster.) Changes made only to the email list will be wiped out the next time we refresh to list from the club roster!