
To help telecom-sters clarify just how humorous their postings are intended to be, here is a collection of the many faces of humor, emoticon-style.
 emoticon: n. a figure created with the symbols on the keyboard that is read with the head tilted to the left. Used to convery spirit in which a line of text was typed.

* *
* Tilt your head slightly to the left to read the following emoticons. *
* *

:-)             Humor
:-) (-:         Masking theatrical comments
:<)             For those with hairy lips
:<)=            For those with beards too
:/)             Not funny
'-)             Wink
P-)             Pirate
;-)             Wink II
(@ @)           You're kidding!
:-"             Pursing lips
:-v             Just another face (speaking) profiled from the side
:-V             Shouting
:-w             Speak with forked tongue
:-W             Shout with forked tongue
:-r             Bleahhh (sticking tongue out)
:-1             Smirks
<:-O            Eeek!
:-*             Oops!  (Covering mouth with hand)
:-T             Keeping a straight face (tight-lipped)
:-D             Said with a smile
:-o             More shouting
:-{             Count Dracula
=|:-)=          Uncle Sam
7:)             Reagan
:-#             Censored
:~i             Smoking
:~j             (and smiling)
:/i             no Smoking
:-I             It's something, but I don't know what...
:-x             Kiss kiss
:-<             Alternate happy face
:-(             Unhappy
:-c             Real unhappy
:-C             Unbelieving (jaw dropped)
:-<             Forlorn
:-B             Drooling (or overbite)
:-|             Disgusted
:-?             Licking your lips
<:>==           A turkey
:-) :-) :-)     Loud guffaw
:-J             Toungue-in-cheek comments
:*)             Clowning around
:-8             Talking out both sides of your mouth
(:-)            Messages dealing with bicycle helmets
@=              Warning about nuclear war
<:-)            For dumb questions
o=              A burning candle to start a flame
-=              A doused candle to end a flame
OO              Headlights on a message
:_)             I used to be a boxer, but it really got my nose out of joint
B-)             Batman
B-|             Michael Keaton Batman
#:-)            Someone with matted hair
:-o             "Oh, noooooo!" (a la Mr. Bill)
#:-o            Same as previous
|-(             Late night messages
:^)             Messages teasing people about their noses
:-{#}           Messages teasing people about their braces
(:-$            Message indicating person is ill
(:-&            Message indicating person is angry
(:-(            Message indicating person is very sad
(:^(            Message concerning people with broken noses
(:<)            Message concerning blabber mouths
:-(=)           Message about people with big teeth
&:-)            Message from a person with curly hair
@:-)            Message from a person with wavy hair
?-(             Message about people with a black eye
*:*             Message about fuzzy things
*:**            Message about fuzzy things with mustaches
%-)             Message about people with broken glasses
+<:-|           Message from a monk/nun...
{0-)            Message from cyclops...
(:-|K-          Formal message.
...---...       S.O.S.
@%&$%&          You know what that means...
||*(            Handshake offered
||*)            Handshake accepted
<&&>            Message concerning rubber chickens
<><>            Message about/to someone wearing argyle socks
2B|^2B          Message about Shakespeare
(-_-)           Secret smile
<{:-)}          Message in a bottle...
<:-)<<|         Message from a space rocket...
(:-...          Heart-breaking message...
<<<<(:-)        Message from a hat sales-man...
(O--<           A fishy message...
(:>-<           Message from a thief: hands up!
I==I)          A message on four wheels
:^{             For those with mustaches
{ '             Alfred Hitchcock
@>--->---       A rose.

"I try to keep an open mind, but not so open that my brains fall out."
- Judge Harry Stone